joi, 18 noiembrie 2010

Finding Influencers using CisionPoint – Attend our CisionPoint Webinar Tuesday, November 16th 2PM EST

Let’s talk about one thing you’ll learn at the Webinar.  Influencers.   You want it, CisionPoint can find Influencers (esp if they are in Mainstream Media, since the media database evolved from MSM but now includes 50,000+ blogs).

Let’s take a simple example (and one I’m free to talk about) “Social Media Monitoring” (spoken at plenty of Luke’s conferences and going to speak at another next week in London); according to CisionPoint, who’s influential that is writing on the subject of this conference series? (hint: Select “Media Coverage“, Create a “New Search Agent” on “Social Media Monitoring” OR “#msm10? over the last 90 days.

The first thing I got was a series of media “Outlets” that CisionPoint stores (and pretty much all of these sources are in Cision‘s Media Database which means I can get detailed information on how to contact reporters or bloggers contained wherein).

What about “who” is writing about “Social Media Monitoring”?  Wha? Jacob Morgan is writing the most about it?   Interesting.  Guess Brian Solis didn’t have more than one mention.    When we get down to who is talking about the conferences, not so many clear voices, but at least we have an idea who they are.

And while most of the conversation is happening in the United States, it’s also happening in Europe (no surprise, I’ll be speaking in London next week and the whole thing started in Europe).

And if we’re into DMA’s then we can have that too… but it’s only US based (not sure what that is about, I’m sure I’ll get Jay Krall to clear that up today).

Before we go any further I want to bring up something.

CisionPoint is a Media Database platform, enhanced by Radian6 data, yet  it’s not really a Social Media platform in the same way Radian6 is.

Actually, that’s good as some of the work I’ve been asked to do has been amazingly based on finding the buzz around “media placements” using platforms like Radian6 which are not built for this kind of analysis.  On the other hand, Cision is, yet most people I know in Social Media are totally ignorant of the fact, even in Public Relations.

You’d think people would know ….. but amazingly …. they don’t!

There are so many people I run in to trying to make a Social Media Monitoring tool behave like a “media database” when what they really want was a “media database” that had “Social Media Intelligence” and just don’t realize it – which CisionPoint does have.   That’s the reason why we came up with this webinar, to show people who want media placements to look at better platforms for that information, like this one.

You can then go back and research a particular publication and find influential authors/reporters at it with phone numbers and email addresses and any notes that a person at Cision may have made on how to pitch that person.

There’s a bit more to this as you can get Radian6 data broken down by Industry with backlinks (on topic links), likes, votes, and so on with a more advanced subscription to CisionPoint, all of this happened last May when the Radian6 data was added into CisionPoint.  Other wise, Cision white labeled Radian6 as Cision Social Media, but until May, the data in Radian6 stayed in R6, while now, it’s also in Cision and mixed in with the Media Database, when it makes sense.

Now .. if you want to learn more, come to the webinar later today and I’ll give Jay Krall a run for the money, getting him to show who ever attends all the neat things CisionPoint can do that practically no one knows about.

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